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Business Advisory and Funding

Realize your next growth milestone.

From sales enablement and venture capital raising advisory services to financial operations best practices, our mission is to take your business to $40 million + in revenue, whether you’re starting with $0, $2 million in crowdfunding dollars, or $4 million+ in pre-orders.

What we do.

Business strategy and planning








You lack a fleshed out finance operation and/or a network of angels/VCs that will listen to your pitch. Your firm is stalling on its growth objectives and needs to get past a revenue milestone and gain more market share and optimize its sales and business development operation.


We're here to deliver new efficiencies and cost reductions to jumpstart growth with a collaborative approach. We'll help you get a viable financial operation off the ground and deliver equity funding advisory services alongside necessary angel and VC intros to get you to your desired level of funding.


Your firm gains the helping hand it needs to hit and surpass its latest growth milestone. In addition to business advisory and operational support, you get the resources you need to get to hit your equity funding goals, from pre-seed to exit.

Award-winning, scalable LEADERSHIP

Key Statistics
  • 60 million + of capital raised

  • $100 million + of shareholder value created

  • Multi-year contracts ranging from $1 - $45 million closed

  • 9x realized return for initial Venture Capital investor

  • $2.5 million VC investment turned into a $24.4 million exit

  • 3.5x and 2x unrealized return to current Venture Capital investors

  • 250+ employees staffed across the United States

  • 50+ employees staffed in offshore development services

Areas Served
Financial Services
Computer Software
Wealth Management, Trading, Post-Trade Processing & Reporting
Data Management
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